The Brilliant Cut Diamond set in “The Symbol” is extraordinary
We want you to have the best: this is why each stone embedded in our ‘talismans’ meets the highest quality requirements.
Each diamond is pure, exceptionally extra colorless, fluorescent-free and with excellent cut, polishing and symmetry.

“The Symbol” diamond is classified as an F
The closer the diamond gets to being colorless, the more rare and precious it is. A chemically pure and structurally perfect gem has no nuances, but its facets reflect the colors of the surroundings.
To evaluate the color of a diamond the GIA color scale is used, ranging from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow).
Each letter represents a gradation based on the saturation of the stone.
A perfect diamond, therefore completely colorless, consists solely of carbon molecules. Nitrogen is the most commonly found impure substance in a diamond. This is the element that brings out the yellow spectrum in many stones.
GIA color scale

The clarity of the stone of your “The Symbol” corresponds to IF
A diamond is “pure” when a qualified and experienced gemologist isn’t able to detect any inclusion in the stone with a 10-power magnifying glass.
The natural birthmarks, called inclusions, are the fingerprints of the gem. These miniscule signs are traces of minerals or crystals of different nature, remained imprisoned in the stone during the process of crystallization of the diamond in the bowels of the Earth.
The fewer inclusions there are and the smaller they are, the more pure the diamond is. Therefore the light can enter and exit the stone without being deflected, making it shine in all its splendor.
In 1953, the GIA defined a scale of diamond clarity consisting of 10 levels. This is now widely used internationally and considered the most authoritative.
GIA clarity scale

The cut quality of each diamond set in “The Symbol” is classifyied Excellent
This is the only characteristic dictated by man’s ability. No diamond will attract attention if it doesn’t shine, and it won’t shine unless it’s properly cut.
The cutter has the task of cutting the diamond facets with extreme precision and of placing them perfectly and symmetrically around the girdle.
The perfect proportions of the gem are essential to obtain the highest refractive index and dispersive power of the diamond.
At the best cut correspond:
brightness – the internal and external light reflected by a diamond
fire – the ability to break up the white light into the spectrum of colors of the rainbow
scintillation – the sparkle produced by a diamond and the game of light and shadow created by the reflexes of the inner stone.
Gia cut scale

Carat weight
The diamond of “The Symbol” is 0.30 carat
The weight of diamonds, like that of other precious stones, is expressed in carats.
The word carat originates from ancient times when carob seeds were used to weigh the gems
due to their surprisingly regular weight.
One carat equals 0.20 grams and can be subdivided into 100 points or hundredths of carat.
The Certification
The irreproachable quality of the diamond embedded in the “The Symbol” pendant by TOM ROGER is guaranteed by the most authoritative certification bodies worldwide: GIA, HRD and IGI.
Tom Roger uses only “ethical diamonds“, that is, imported exclusively with a certificate of origin that guarantees that they arrive from countries who are not involved in war events or connected to international terrorism.
Furthermore, our diamonds respect the “Best Diamond Trade Practice” against the exploitation of child labor.